Doctor of Physical Therapy (Eastern Washington University)
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Pacific Lutheran University)
Specialized Training
Functional Movement
Post-Operative Care
Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
Balance & Fall Prevention
Desensitization / Sensory Reduction
SMT 1: High-Velocity Low-Amplitude Thrust Manipulation of Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and SI Joint
SMT 2: Cervicothoracic Dysfunction & Cervicogenic Headaches: Diagnosis & Management with HVLA Thrust Manipulation & Exercise.
SMT 3: Lumbar and Sacroiliac Dysfunction: Diagnosis & Management with HVLA Thrust Manipulation & Exercise
SMT 4: Certification in Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Cert. SMT): Review & Comprehensive Oral, Practical & Written Examination
Certified SMT
Barbell Rehab Method Certification (BRM)
Allison was raised in Sumner, Washington and now lives in Lake Stevens with her husband and two dogs. She likes to spend her weekends paddle boarding on Lake Chelan and golfing with family and friends.
Allison is certified in spinal manipulation and enjoys working with first responders and orthopedic pediatric patients. Allison plans to pursue a certification in dry needling to continue to provide evidence-based and patient-centered care.
“Allison values holistic health and evidence-based practice. She is certified in spinal manipulation and enjoys working with a variety of orthopedic patients, including first responders and pediatrics.”